Extended Cookie Policy

In order to ensure the proper functioning of our website, we store in your computer small data files called cookies. User's consent may be required before the installation of some of these cookies.

What are cookies?

Cookies are text files containing small amounts of information which are sent to your browser and stored in your computer, mobile phone or other device when you visit a website, so that the website can remember your actions and preferences (such as language, font size and other display preferences) for a certain period and that you don’t have to insert your preferences every time that you visit this website.

What kind of Cookies does Pantelakis Securities S.A. use?

Pantelakis Securities S.A. uses cookies in order to improve your user experience and to personalize the information and preferences of each user. We may use the following types of cookies:

Necessary Cookies

Necessary cookies are strictly necessary for the operation of Pantelakis Securities site. They enable you to navigate around the site. The installation of these cookies is not subject to user’s consent. This consent is required as regards all other types of cookies.

Persistent cookies

Persistent cookies enhance the functionality of our website. Thanks to these cookies the browsing is adjusted to your preferences and therefore you don’t waste your time re-entering information.

Third- party cookies

The website of Pantelakis Securities S.A. does not use third-party cookies. The collection of cookies takes place only by and on behalf of Pantelakis Securities S.A. and for the aforementioned purposes.

How can I manage the installation of Cookies?

You can control and/or delete cookies if you wish so. You can also delete all cookies stored in your computer (or in any devise used for browsing) and adjust your browser settings so as not to permit the installation of cookies. However in this case you may have to adjust on your own your preferences each time that you visit a website. Also some services may not function after the deletion of cookies.

The visitors of our website have the right to access, in accordance with article 12 of law 2472/1997, and the right to oppose, in accordance with article 13 of law 2472/1997. In order to exercise your rights you may contact us at +30 210 6965487 or e-mail us at research@pantelakis.gr.

By continuing to browse to our site: research.pantelakis.gr, you agree to use of cookies policy

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